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LOCATIONOostduinkerke (BE)


DELIVERABLESExterior & Interior Images


At the Belgian coast, nestled between dune grass and poplars, lies Sommerfeld House. This modern residence – a tribute to the original Bauhaus design of the same name – was designed by Element Architects for Rietveld Projects.

The design unmistakably bears the signature of the studio, known for its purity: no unnecessary embellishments, but architecture that engages in respectful dialogue with its surroundings and is executed with meticulous precision.

When we were brought on board to create the 3D visuals, one element was key for both the client and the architects: accurately representing the chosen materials. The design is rooted in the principle of ‘tactile materiality,’ where materials establish a strong connection with the natural environment. This is reflected in the sandy-hued limewashed facades, with their warm and tactile feel, and in the carefully sculpted dune garden, inspired by the local dune landscape.

Some details require just that little extra attention. Architectural designs often feature complex elements like material choices, lighting, and spatial use, and this project was no exception. Through close collaboration with the architect, their input ensured we could bring these details to life with precision and conviction.

For the composition, we primarily opted for eye-level viewpoints. This perspective creates a natural and realistic viewing experience, allowing potential buyers to better envision themselves within the space. It enhances the commercial impact of the visuals and fosters an emotional connection with the building and its surroundings.